Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

Diabetes BE

Diabetes BE

*** Diabetes sufferers beware! ***

This app will change your life! With this app you can have your diabetes better control.
~ BE calculation anytime & anywhere available
~ intuitive operation (also for diabetes kids very well)
~ 6x practical food lists
~ 1x individual list for personal supplement of Food

Including warning at above-average value (BE).

Interest Calculator

These interest calculator app offers comprehensive functions. With this app you can calculable different constellations.
You can, for example:

Description: a fixed sum is the applied, either with or without amount.
"Monthly payment" 
Description: an amount is saved up the monthly, either with or without monthly deposit.
Description: the duration is selectable as either years or months.
Description: the percent (interest) are also selectable per month or per year.
"Compound Interest" 
Description: You can enable or disable this option at any calculation.
You can combine all of these choices with each other and adapt to your situation. Interest Calculator was designed simply to keep it as clear as possible.